Grammar Quiz

Modals and Inversion Quiz


Choose the correct modal: She ___ go to the party if she finishes her homework. (can/must)

A. must not

B. can

C. should

D. might

Identify the inversion: Only after the rain stopped did we go outside.

A. we went outside after the rain stopped

B. outside we went after the rain stopped

C. only after the rain did we go outside

D. did we go outside

Identify the inversion: Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.

A. Never I have seen such a beautiful sunset.

B. Such a beautiful sunset I have never seen.

C. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.

D. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.

Identify the inversion: Rarely do we get to see such talent.

A. Such talent is rarely seen by us.

B. Rarely do we get to see such talent.

C. We rarely see such talent.

D. We get to see such talent rarely.

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: She is a talented musician. (emphasize ‘talented’)

A. She is an exceptionally talented musician.

B. She is a very talented musician.

C. She is a musician who is talented.

D. She is a *talented* musician.

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: He completed the project on time. (emphasize ‘completed’)

A. The project was completed on time by him.

B. He completed the project ahead of schedule.

C. He finished the project on time, completed.

D. Completed, he finished the project on time.

Which modal expresses a past ability? (could/would)

A. might

B. should

C. could

D. must

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: They completed the task successfully. (emphasize ‘successfully’)

A. They successfully completed the task.

B. They completed the task with success.

C. It was successful that they completed the task.

D. They completed the task in a successful manner.

Choose the correct modal: You ___ take an umbrella; it might rain. (should/can)

A. might

B. could

C. should

D. must

Identify the inversion: Seldom has he been late to class.

A. has he been to class late

B. he has seldom been late

C. has he been late to class

D. late to class has he been seldom

Identify the inversion: Little did I know what was coming.

A. What was coming little did I know

B. I knew little about what was coming

C. Little did I know

D. I had no idea what was happening

Identify the inversion: Scarcely had I finished my meal when the phone rang.

A. When the phone rang, scarcely had I finished my meal.

B. I had scarcely finished my meal when the phone rang.

C. Scarcely I had finished my meal when the phone rang.

D. Scarcely had I finished my meal.

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: She solved the problem quickly. (emphasize ‘quickly’)

A. She solved the problem in a quick manner.

B. Quickly, she solved the problem.

C. It was quickly that she solved the problem.

D. She quickly solved the problem.

Choose the correct modal: You ___ try this new restaurant; it’s amazing! (should/could)

A. might

B. would

C. mustn’t

D. should

Choose the correct modal: We ___ have taken a different route. (might/can)

A. might

B. should

C. must

D. can

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: He won the championship. (emphasize ‘won’)

A. He has won the championship.

B. He did win the championship.

C. He might have won the championship.

D. He lost the championship.

Identify the inversion: Hardly had I arrived when the meeting started.

A. When the meeting started, hardly had I arrived.

B. Hardly had I arrived.

C. I had hardly arrived when the meeting started.

D. Hardly I had arrived when the meeting started.

Choose the correct modal: You ___ finish your work before the deadline. (should/might)

A. could

B. would

C. must

D. should

Choose the correct modal: They ___ be at the meeting by 10 AM. (must/can’t)

A. might

B. should

C. could

D. must

Rewrite the sentence with emphasis: They are excellent dancers. (emphasize ‘excellent’)

A. They are truly excellent dancers.

B. They are very excellent dancers.

C. They are dancers who are excellent.

D. They are *excellent* dancers.

Choose the correct modal: She ___ finish her report by tomorrow. (must/can)

A. might

B. can

C. must

D. should


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