Grammar Quiz

Passive and Active Sentences Quiz


The first windmill … by a massive storm.

A. destroys

B. is destroying

C. is destroyed

The author …. to expose a lie.

A. was wanted

B. was wanting

C. wanted

Snowball …. the farm by the 9 dogs that Napoleon had raised in secret.

A. was quicking out of

B. was quicked out of

C. quicked out of

The hens revolt because their eggs … to humans.

A. must be sold

B. must be selling

C. must sell

Mollie … the spirit of Animalism by running away.

A. was betraying

B. betrayed

C. was betrayed

The animals never …. against their oppressor.

A. are revolted

B. revolt

C. are revoluting

The original plans for the windmill …. by Snowball.

A. were drawn

B. were drawing

C. was drawn

The Battle of the Cowshed …. by Snowball and Boxer.

A. won

B. was winning

C. was won

Every Sunday, Squealer …. figures (numbers) to the animals proving that they have a lot of food and resources.

A. gives

B. is given

C. is giving

Animals …. only 3 days a week if the windmill was built.

A. would work

B. work

C. are working

The Sunday committees …. meeting during which animals receive their orders from Squealer.

A. are turning into

B. are turned into

C. turn into

The commandments …. by the pigs, Muriel, the goat and Benjamin, the donkey.

A. can read

B. can be read

C. can be reading

The commandments … by Snowball on the wall of the barn.

A. was written

B. were written

C. was writing

When Snowball manages to run away from the farm, 4 young pigs are the only ones who … .

A. was revolted

B. revolt

C. revolts

From the start of the novel, there are clues and readers …. that the pigs might want to take control over Animal Farm.

A. will be warned

B. are warned

C. is warned

The second windmill …. with dynamite.

A. is blown down

B. is blowing down

C. blows down

The apples … only by pigs.

A. are eaten

B. are eating

C. eat

The sheep …. to block all debates and discussions.

A. use

B. are using

C. are used

Boxer … by all the animals at the farm.

A. admires

B. admired

C. is admired

It …. 2 years to re-build the windmill according to Napoleon.

A. takes

B. is taking

C. will take


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