Grammar Quiz

Verb Form Quiz


Would you like ………………………………. a dance with me?

A. have

B. having

C. to have

D. has

My watch keeps ……………………….

A. stop

B. to stop

C. stopping

D. stopped

When you see Tom, remember …………………him my regards

A. give

B. giving

C. to give

D. gave

Did you remember ……………………………………… Ann? Oh, no. I completely forgot it.

A. phone

B. to phone

C. phoning

D. phoned

They postponed ……………………………. the school for lack of finance.

A. building

B. build

C. to build

D. built

I really regret ……………….. your feeling when I asked you such a silly question

A. to hurt

B. hurt

C. hurting

D. to hurting

They were too lazy __________________ out with us. (go)

A. go

B. to go

C. going

D. to have gone

There’s no point in __________________ the matter. He has already made his decision.(discuss)

A. discuss

B. to discuss

C. discussing

D. having discussed

I enjoy ___________ gourmet meals.

A. cooked

B. be cook

C. cook

D. cooking

Are his ideas worth ……………………….. to?

A. listen

B. listening

C. to listen

D. to listening

I would love _______ to your party! Thank you for inviting me.

A. come

B. coming

C. to come

D. came

Steven dislikes _______, so he usually takes a bus to work.

A. to drive

B. to be driven

C. be driven

D. driving

He adores __________ out with his friends at weekends.

A. hanging

B. hang

C. to hang

D. hangs

They used __________ to DaLat in summer when they were young.

A. visit

B. to visit

C. visiting

D. to visiting

He’ll try…………………………the same mistake again.

A. not make

B. not to make

C. to not make

D. not making

Why not __________________ a weekend in Scotland? (spend)

A. to spend

B. spending

C. spend

D. having spent

I enjoy …………………………………. to classical music.

A. listening

B. to listen

C. listen

D. listened

We have decided against __________________ a new car. (buy)

A. buy

B. to buy

C. buying

D. to have bought

They finished …………………………. and then they wanted to go out for pleasure.

A. learning

B. to learn

C. learn

D. learned

I can’t imagine __________________ at home. (work)

A. work

B. to work

C. working

D. having worked

I am lazy. I don’t feel like __________________ any work. (do)

A. doing

B. to do

C. do

D. having done

Do you agree ……………………. me some money?

A. lend

B. to lend

C. lending

D. lent

How much time do you spend _______ TV every day?

A. watch

B. watching

C. in watching

D. to watch

I suggest __________ some money for poor children.

A. raise

B. to raise

C. raised

D. raising

Mary thanked us for ____________her to dinner.

A. invite

B. inviting

C. to invite

D. being invited


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