Grammar Quiz

Clause Markers TOEFL Grammar Quiz


Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The tribes _______ lived in the Great Plains used smoke signals.

A. that

B. wherever

C. how

D. what

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The woman ______ we met was called Lightening Cloud.

A. where

B. which

C. whom

D. who

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The drumbeats with _______ the actual words of a tribal language is communicated are an traditional form of communication still today in some African tribal villages.

A. them

B. which

C. what

D. who

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

That is the valley ______ the tribe lives.

A. which

B. where

C. that

D. who

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The Shoshoni were a group pf Indians _______ lived in the western plains of Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and Idaho.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

D. whose

Choose the best clause marker to complete the sentence:

Sequoyah , _______ alphabet consisted of 85 characters, was acclaimed a genius by his people,

A. who

B. whose

C. whom

D. that

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

Anyone _______ wanted to get the news and could understand the beats or signals could easily just watch or listen.

A. where

B. who

C. which

D. if

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker.

A particular type of smoke signal _______ conveyed a triumph in battle was agreed on by each tribe.

A. how

B. whose

C. which

D. whom

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The drumbeats _______ we heard sent a message.

A. whomever

B. who

C. whose

D. which

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

Sacagawea , ________ was a Shoshoni Indian, guided Lewis and Clark to the Columbia River.

A. whose

B. who

C. which

D. whom

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

In countries ________ Ghana, Dahoney, and Nigeria the use of talking drums is mostly highly developed.

A. where

B. such as

C. wherever

D. that

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

That is the celebrated drummer to _______ we were referring.

A. whom

B. who

C. what

D. how

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker: The place that the signal came from , _________ on a hill or a valley – conveyed most of the meaning of an Apache smoke signal.

A. why

B. whether

C. so that

D. because

Complete the clause with the best clause marker:

There are a number of colors with ________ the Pueblo Indians of America identified directions.

A. since

B. whereby

C. which

D. where

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

He sent a message _______ meaning we had agreed on in advance.

A. whose

B. where

C. that

D. which

Choose the best clause marker:

Sequoyah became a teacher and moved to Oklahoma ______ he continued to teach Indian languages.

A. how

B. where

C. to whom

D. that

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

_________ the Piman warriors responded to raid signals with two columns of smoke, the Apaches lit fires to ask others who they were.

A. Whoever

B. How

C. Whereas

D. When

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

A warrior ______ saw an enemy approaching might send a smoke signal.

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. who

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The Mossi people of West Africa use talking drums as a means of preserving their history, _________ has been handed down generation to generation.

A. when

B. which

C. so that

D. how

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

A Cherokee newspaper _______ columns had news both in English and Cherokee was published.

A. so

B. which

C. whose

D. whom

Complete the sentence with the best clause marker:

The most celebrated talking drummers of West Africa are the Yorubas _________ principal instrument is known as a dondon.

A. what

B. that

C. who is

D. whose

Complete the sentence with the best word:

Sequoyah worked on the alphabet for twelve years before ________ completed it.

A. that

B. he

C. to

D. when


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