Grammar Quiz

Grammar of Future Plans Quiz


Which sentence uses the present perfect in an adverbial clause correctly?

A. When I will have finished my homework, I’ll watch TV.

B. When I have finished my homework, I’ll watch TV.

C. When I finished my homework, I’ll watch TV.

Which sentence uses the future perfect tense correctly?

A. She will have finish her book by next week.

B. She will have finishing her book by next week.

C. She will have finished her book by next week.

Choose the correct sentence using the future perfect tense.

A. By next month, she will have saved enough money.

B. By next month, she will has saved enough money.

C. By next month, she will saving enough money.

Which sentence correctly uses an adverbial clause with the present perfect tense?

A. Once I have finished dinner, I’ll call you.

B. Once I will have finished dinner, I’ll call you.

C. Once I finished dinner, I’ll call you.

Choose the sentence that uses the perfect form of an infinitive to express future plans.

A. Her goal is to have paying off all her debt in five years.

B. Her goal is to have paid off all her debt in five years.

C. Her goal is to pay off all her debt in five years.

Choose the correct sentence using the perfect form of an infinitive to express a future action.

A. By this time next year, I plan to have save up enough money.

B. By this time next year, I plan to have saved up enough money.

C. By this time next year, I plan to have saving up enough money.

Which sentence correctly expresses a general future plan?

A. We hope starting a new project soon.

B. We hope to start a new project soon.

C. We hope to starting a new project soon.

What is the correct structure to express a future plan using an infinitive?

A. I intend to working hard.

B. I intend to work hard.

C. I intend working hard.

What is the correct future perfect sentence?

A. By next year, I will completed my degree.

B. By next year, I will have completed my degree.

C. By next year, I will completing my degree.

Identify the sentence with the correct use of the future perfect tense.

A. I will have wrote the report by tomorrow.

B. I will have written the report by tomorrow.

C. I will have writing the report by tomorrow.

Select the sentence that correctly uses a verb to express a general future plan.

A. I hope to being there on time.

B. I hope to be there on time.

C. I hope be there on time.

Which sentence correctly uses a verb to express a general future plan?

A. I expect going to the store tomorrow.

B. I hope to finish my project by next week.

C. I plan going to the gym later.

Which sentence correctly uses the future perfect tense?

A. By the end of this month, they will have visited three countries.

B. By the end of this month, they will visited three countries.

C. By the end of this month, they will visiting three countries.

Select the sentence that uses the correct future perfect structure.

A. They will have finish the project by Friday.

B. They will have finished the project by Friday.

C. They will have finishing the project by Friday.

Choose the correct sentence using the perfect form of an infinitive.

A. She plans to have open her own business by next year.

B. She plans to have opened her own business by next year.

C. She plans to opened her own business by next year.


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