Modals Deduction: cant /must Quiz
English multiple-choice grammar quiz about Modals Deduction: cant /must
The food is really good at that restaurant. They _____________ have a great chef.
A. can’t
B. must
Where’s Lucy? She _____________ be at the library, as she often goes there at this time.
A. can’t
B. must
He _____________ be at work now, can he? It’s nearly midnight.
A. can’t
B. must
Her life _____________ be easy. She has four children and very little money.
A. can’t
B. must
The car in front is driving so slowly that I think they _____________ be looking for something.
A. can’t
B. must
This _____________ be Jamie’s coat. He’s very tall, and this is tiny.
A. can’t
B. must
What a lot of lovely flowers you have! You _____________ really like gardening.
A. can’t
B. must
This bill _____________ be right! £50 for two cups of coffee!
A. can’t
B. must
There _____________ be something wrong with the fridge! It’s making a very unusual noise.
A. can’t
B. must
David _____________ drink a lot of coffee. He’s finished two packets already this week!
A. can’t
B. must
This book _____________ belong to the library. It’s certainly not mine.
A. can’t
B. must
Julie _____________ have much money, or she would buy a new car. Her old one is falling apart.
A. can’t
B. must
John always fails the tests, even though he’s clever. He _____________ study enough.
A. can’t
B. must
Who’s that at the door? It _____________ be Susie – she’ll still be at work now.
A. can’t
B. must
This _____________ be John’s house. This house has a red door, and it’s number 24,just like he said.
A. can’t
B. must