Grammar Quiz

Prepositions and Adverbs Quiz


She _______ eats spicy food because she doesn’t like it.

A. sometimes

B. usually

C. often

D. never

Emma and Jack work together on group projects and _______ share their ideas.

A. never

B. rarely

C. always

D. occasionally

The post office is ________ the bank on Main Street.

A. opposite

B. next

C. in front

D. between

She climbed _________ the ladder to reach the top shelf.

A. up

B. across

C. along

D. through

She got a postcard _________ her friend who is traveling in Europe.

A. from

B. to

C. by

D. with

My teacher reminds us _______ to do our homework before coming to class.

A. never

B. usually

C. sometimes

D. always

My friend is very unpredictable. _______ he is enthusiastic and _______ he is quiet.

A. Always / never

B. Sometimes / sometimes

C. Usually / rarely

D. Never / always

She checks her email regularly, so she is _______ surprised by new messages.

A. often

B. always

C. never

D. occasionally

Please take all your belongings _________ the drawer before moving desks.

A. into

B. out of

C. by

D. through

I don’t eat fast food _______ because I prefer healthier options.

A. rarely

B. always

C. often

D. never

She placed the dishes _________ the dishwasher after dinner.

A. from

B. to

C. into

D. on

She practiced playing the piano ________ the summer break.

A. while

B. until

C. during

D. by

The river flows _________ the valley before reaching the sea.

A. across

B. between

C. from

D. through

The report needs to be submitted ________ Friday afternoon.

A. at

B. in

C. by

D. on

My birthday is _______ April.

A. in

B. at

C. on

D. until

She looked both ways before walking _________ the street.

A. into

B. across

C. through

D. along

The cat is sleeping ________ the sofa.

A. on

B. above

C. in

D. between

When do you go to the gym? — _______ I go after work in the evenings.

A. Rarely

B. Seldom

C. Sometimes

D. Usually

The playground is located ________ the school and the park.

A. over

B. beside

C. between

D. at

The cat jumped _________ the table when it heard the noise.

A. onto

B. off

C. into

D. over

The cat is hiding ________ the table.

A. beside

B. on

C. between

D. under

Do you eat out? — Yes, _______, but I also enjoy cooking at home.

A. usually

B. rarely

C. sometimes

D. never

We can stay at the hotel _______ we find a new place to live.
A. in

B. at

C. on

D. until

The car drove _________ the old church on the way to the park.

A. along

B. across

C. past

D. down

The bird flew _________ the open window to get inside the house.

A. through

B. by

C. into

D. up


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