Grammar - Present Perfect Quiz
Has she ___ her new job?
A. start
B. started
C. starting
_____ they ever visited Europe?
A. Have
B. Has
C. Having
Have they ___ the new movie yet?
A. watch
B. watched
C. watching
_____ she ever traveled to Asia?
A. Have
B. Has
C. Having
Has he ___ his keys?
A. lost
B. lose
C. losing
Have you ___ your room yet?
A. cleaned
B. clean
C. cleaning
Have we ___ anything from the store?
A. buy
B. bought
C. buying
Have they ___ the latest episode?
A. watched
B. watching
C. watch
_____ he ever ridden a horse?
A. Have
B. Has
C. Having
Has she ___ her homework yet?
A. finish
B. finished
C. finishes
Have you ___ the new restaurant in town?
A. tried
B. try
C. trying
Have you ___ the latest news?
A. hear
B. heard
C. hearing
Have you ___ the latest episode of your favorite TV show?
A. watched
B. watching
C. watch
Has she ever ___ to a concert?
A. been
B. go
C. went
_____ she ever been to Australia?
A. Has
B. Have
C. Having
Have they ___ any new movies recently?
A. see
B. saw
C. seen
Have you ___ your homework yet?
A. finish
B. finished
C. finishes
Have you ___ your breakfast yet?
A. eaten
B. eat
C. eating
_____ you ever climb a mountain?
A. Have
B. Has
C. Having
Have you ever ___ to Paris?
A. gone
B. went
C. go