Grammar Quiz

Present Simple & Present Continuous Tenses Quiz


Hurry up! The bus ________.

A. come

B. comes

C. is coming

D. came

The moon ____ the earth.

A. circle

B. circles

C. circled

D. is circling

Be quiet! The babies ________ .

A. sleep

B. is sleeping

C. are sleeping

D. slept

My sister ____ to the cinema once a month.

A. go

B. went

C. is going

D. goes

The farmers _____ in the field at the moment.

A. work

B. works

C. worked

D. are working

My best friend ____ for Paris next year.

A. leaves

B. leave

C. is leaving

D. will leave

My neighbor _______ money, but he lives like a king.

A. always borrow

B. always borrows

C. is always borrowing

D. are always borrowing

My father seldom —– home late at night.

A. come

B. comes

C. came

D. is coming

We _______ to the church every Sunday.

A. not go

B. don’t go

C. doesn’t go

D. didn’t go

The sun _____ in the East and ____ in the West.

A. rise / set

B. rises / sets

C. rose / sets

D. rose / set

Listen! Someone _________ at the door.

A. knock

B. knocks

C. is knocking

D. are knocking

The concert this evening _____ at 7.30.

A. starts

B. start

C. is starting

D. started

He usually _____ a white shirt, but today he _____ a blue one.

A. wears / wears

B. wears / is wearing

C. is wearing / wears

D. is wearing / is wearing

We ______ our grandparents every summer.

A. visits

B. visited

C. are visiting

D. visit

If the weather —– fine tomorrow, we’ll go to the beach.

A. are

B. is

C. was

D. were

My cousin _____ soccer with his friends every Sunday.

A. play

B. is playing

C. played

D. plays

We ____a party next weekend. Would you like to come?

A. have

B. are having

C. will have

D. had

Peter’s mother —— him to school by her motorbike.

A. sometimes took

B. sometimes take

C. sometimes takes

D. is sometimes taking

The cattle ________ in the field at the present.

A. is grazing

B. graze

C. grazes

D. are grazing

What time —- often ——-? _ At 6 o’clock.

A. do you / gets up

B. have you / got up

C. do you / get up

D. did you / get up

We —– football at weekends

A. often play

B. often plays

C. is often playing

D. often played

At present, the children ______ in the garden.

A. played

B. play

C. is playing

D. are playing

Rivers usually _____ to the sea.

A. flow

B. flows

C. are flowing

D. flew

My grandfather usually ____ TV at night.

A. watched

B. is watching

C. watches

D. watch

John says he is 18 years old, but I _____ him.

A. not believe

B. don’t believe

C. am not believing

D. not believing


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